How to Get DM Ultra in Modern Warfare

If you're a fan of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, you know that one of the ultimate goals in the game is to get the DM Ultra camo. This camo is the highest level of camo and is extremely difficult to obtain. However, with a little bit of hard work and dedication, you can get the DM Ultra camo and show it off to all of your friends. In this article, we'll give you some tips and tricks on how to get DM Ultra in Modern Warfare.

What is DM Ultra?

DM Ultra is the final camo that you can unlock in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. It's the highest level of camo and is a sign of prestige in the game. It's a camo that many players strive to obtain, but only a few are able to achieve.

How to Unlock DM Ultra?

To unlock DM Ultra, you need to unlock all of the other camos in the game. This means that you need to complete every challenge for every weapon in the game. This is a time-consuming process, but it's necessary if you want to obtain DM Ultra.

Challenges for Each Weapon Class

Each weapon class in the game has its own set of challenges that you need to complete in order to unlock all of the camos. Here are the challenges for each weapon class:

Assault Rifles

The challenges for assault rifles are as follows:

  • Get a certain number of kills with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of headshots with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills while aiming down sights with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of longshot kills with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills shortly after reloading with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills while the weapon is equipped with certain attachments


The challenges for SMGs are as follows:

  • Get a certain number of kills with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of headshots with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills while aiming down sights with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of longshot kills with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills shortly after reloading with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills while the weapon is equipped with certain attachments


The challenges for shotguns are as follows:

  • Get a certain number of kills with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of headshots with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills while aiming down sights with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of longshot kills with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills shortly after reloading with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills while the weapon is equipped with certain attachments


The challenges for LMGs are as follows:

  • Get a certain number of kills with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of headshots with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills while aiming down sights with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of longshot kills with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills shortly after reloading with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills while the weapon is equipped with certain attachments

Sniper Rifles

The challenges for sniper rifles are as follows:

  • Get a certain number of kills with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of headshots with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills while aiming down sights with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of longshot kills with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills shortly after reloading with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills while the weapon is equipped with certain attachments


The challenges for pistols are as follows:

  • Get a certain number of kills with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of headshots with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills while aiming down sights with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of longshot kills with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills shortly after reloading with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills while the weapon is equipped with certain attachments


The challenges for launchers are as follows:

  • Get a certain number of kills with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of headshots with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills while aiming down sights with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of longshot kills with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills shortly after reloading with the weapon
  • Get a certain number of kills while the weapon is equipped with certain attachments

How to Complete the Challenges?

The challenges for each weapon class are different, but they all require a lot of hard work and dedication. Here are some tips on how to complete the challenges:

  • Play a lot of matches and try to get as many kills as possible
  • Practice your aim and try to get headshots whenever possible
  • Use attachments that will help you complete the challenges
  • Play on maps that are conducive to completing the challenges


Getting DM Ultra in Modern Warfare is not an easy feat, but it's definitely worth it. It's a sign of prestige and shows that you're a skilled player. By completing all of the challenges for each weapon class, you'll be able to unlock the DM Ultra camo and show it off to all of your friends. So, get out there and start grinding!

Related video of How to Get DM Ultra in Modern Warfare