If you are a fan of the Star Wars universe and have played the Edge of the Empire roleplaying game, you may be familiar with weapon qualities. These are special traits that differentiate weapons from each other and can provide unique advantages in combat. In this article, we will explore the different weapon qualities in Edge of the Empire and how they can be used to gain the upper hand in battle.
The Accurate quality represents a weapon's precision and ability to hit a target accurately. Weapons with this quality add a boost die to their attack roll, which can increase the chance of success. This quality is particularly useful for long-range weapons like blaster rifles, which require accuracy to hit targets from a distance. It can also be helpful for characters with low skill ranks in combat, as the boost die can compensate for their lack of proficiency.
The Blast quality represents a weapon's ability to deal damage to multiple targets at once. Weapons with this quality have a blast radius that affects all targets within a certain range. The damage dealt to each target is reduced based on their distance from the weapon, but it can still be a powerful tool for taking out groups of enemies. This quality is most commonly found in explosives like grenades and mines, but some weapons like the bowcaster also possess it.
The Breach quality represents a weapon's ability to penetrate armor and other forms of protection. Weapons with this quality ignore a certain amount of a target's armor, making them more effective against heavily armored opponents. This quality is most commonly found in weapons like heavy blasters and ion cannons, which are designed to take down armored vehicles and structures. It can also be useful against enemies with personal shields or other forms of protection.
The Cumbersome quality represents a weapon's weight and difficulty to wield. Weapons with this quality require more effort to use and can be more difficult to aim accurately. Characters using a cumbersome weapon suffer a penalty die to their attack roll, which can make it harder to hit targets. This quality is most commonly found in heavy weapons like rocket launchers and heavy repeating blasters, which require strength and stability to use effectively.
The Disorient quality represents a weapon's ability to disrupt a target's senses and coordination. Weapons with this quality can cause a target to become disoriented, making it harder for them to take actions and defend themselves. Characters hit by a disorienting weapon suffer a penalty die to their next action, which can be a significant disadvantage in combat. This quality is most commonly found in stun weapons like stun batons and stun grenades, which are designed to incapacitate targets without killing them.
The Ensnare quality represents a weapon's ability to immobilize a target. Weapons with this quality can ensnare a target in a net or other restraining device, making it harder for them to move or take actions. Characters hit by an ensnaring weapon must make an Athletics or Coordination check to escape, which can be difficult depending on the circumstances. This quality is most commonly found in weapons like nets and bolas, which are designed to capture live targets.
The Inaccurate quality represents a weapon's lack of precision and difficulty to aim. Weapons with this quality suffer a penalty die to their attack roll, making it harder to hit targets. This quality is most commonly found in weapons like blaster pistols, which are designed for close-range combat and may not have the same level of accuracy as long-range weapons like blaster rifles. It can be a disadvantage in combat, but some characters may prefer the convenience and ease of use of an inaccurate weapon.
The Pierce quality represents a weapon's ability to penetrate armor and other forms of protection more effectively than other weapons. Weapons with this quality add a certain amount of damage that ignores a target's armor, making them more effective against heavily armored opponents. This quality is most commonly found in weapons like vibroblades and disruptor rifles, which are designed to bypass armor and other forms of protection.
The Slow-Firing quality represents a weapon's slow rate of fire and difficulty to use effectively in rapid succession. Weapons with this quality require more time and effort to reload or prepare for another shot, making them less effective in situations where quick and repeated shots are necessary. Characters using a slow-firing weapon suffer a penalty die to their attack roll if they attempt to fire it more than once per round. This quality is most commonly found in weapons like heavy blasters and missile launchers, which are designed for heavy damage at long range.
The Stun quality represents a weapon's ability to incapacitate a target without killing them. Weapons with this quality deal stun damage instead of regular damage, which can knock out a target without causing permanent harm. Characters hit by a stunning weapon must make a Resilience check to avoid being knocked out, but they are not at risk of death unless they suffer too much stun damage. This quality is most commonly found in stun weapons like stun batons and stun grenades, which are designed for non-lethal takedowns.
The Unwieldy quality represents a weapon's size and difficulty to use in close combat. Weapons with this quality suffer a penalty die to their attack roll if used in engaged range, which can make them less effective in close-quarters combat. This quality is most commonly found in weapons like heavy blasters and missile launchers, which are designed for long-range combat and may not be as effective up close. It can be a disadvantage in certain situations, but some characters may prefer the added range and firepower of an unwieldy weapon.
The Vicious quality represents a weapon's potential to deal critical injuries. Weapons with this quality add a certain amount of damage to critical hits, which can result in more severe injuries for the target. This quality is most commonly found in weapons like vibroblades and disruptor rifles, which are designed to cause maximum damage with each hit. It can be a powerful advantage in combat, but it also means that characters hit by a vicious weapon are more likely to suffer long-term injuries or even death.
Weapon qualities are an important aspect of combat in Edge of the Empire, providing unique advantages and disadvantages to different weapons. Understanding the qualities of your weapons and those of your opponents can help you make strategic decisions in combat and gain the upper hand. Whether you prefer accuracy, firepower, or non-lethal takedowns, there is a weapon quality for every playstyle in Edge of the Empire.