Fate Grand Order is a popular mobile game that has been gaining popularity among gamers around the world. With its engaging storyline, unique mechanics, and stunning visuals, it's no wonder why this game has become so popular. One of the most important aspects of Fate Grand Order is the Proof of Hero system. In this article, we'll explore what Proof of Hero is, how it works, and why it's so important in the game.
What is Proof of Hero?
Proof of Hero is a system in Fate Grand Order that allows players to enhance their Servants. Servants are the playable characters in the game, and they are based on historical or mythological figures. Enhancing your Servants is essential to progressing in the game, and Proof of Hero is the key to achieving this.
There are two types of Proof of Hero: Silver and Gold. Silver Proof of Hero is used to enhance your Servants' skills, while Gold Proof of Hero is used to increase their level cap. Both types of Proof of Hero are obtained by completing quests or events in the game.
How to Obtain Proof of Hero
As mentioned earlier, Proof of Hero can be obtained by completing quests and events in the game. However, there are other ways to obtain Proof of Hero as well. One way is to exchange Friend Points for Silver Proof of Hero. Friend Points are obtained by adding friends in the game or using Support Servants from other players.
Another way to obtain Proof of Hero is by exchanging Mana Prisms for Silver or Gold Proof of Hero. Mana Prisms are obtained by burning unwanted Servants or Craft Essences, or by completing daily missions in the game.
Why is Proof of Hero Important?
Proof of Hero is important because it allows you to enhance your Servants, making them stronger and more effective in battle. Without enhancing your Servants, it will be difficult to progress through the game's story and complete challenging quests and events.
Additionally, Proof of Hero is a valuable resource that should be used wisely. It's important to prioritize which Servants to enhance and which type of Proof of Hero to use, as using it on the wrong Servant or skill can be a waste of resources.
Proof of Hero is an essential part of Fate Grand Order, allowing players to enhance their Servants and progress through the game. By understanding how Proof of Hero works and how to obtain it, players can make the most out of this valuable resource and make their Servants stronger and more effective in battle.