Fate/Grand Order Meteor Horseshoe: Everything You Need to Know

Fate/Grand Order is a popular mobile game that has captured the hearts of gamers around the world. The game features a variety of characters, items, and resources that players can use to progress through the game. One of the most important resources in Fate/Grand Order is the Meteor Horseshoe. In this article, we will take a closer look at what Meteor Horseshoes are and how you can get them.

What are Meteor Horseshoes?

Meteor Horseshoes are a type of material that can be used to ascend and strengthen certain Servants in Fate/Grand Order. These horseshoes are made from meteoric iron, which is a rare and valuable metal that is said to have fallen from the sky. They are particularly valuable because they are used to upgrade some of the most powerful Servants in the game.

How to Get Meteor Horseshoes

There are several ways to obtain Meteor Horseshoes in Fate/Grand Order. One of the most common ways is to farm for them by completing certain quests or missions. You can also receive them as rewards for completing certain events or as drops from enemies in battle.

Another way to obtain Meteor Horseshoes is through the Da Vinci Workshop. This is a feature in the game that allows you to exchange certain items and resources for other items that you need. You can exchange other materials or QP (in-game currency) for Meteor Horseshoes in the Da Vinci Workshop.

What Servants Use Meteor Horseshoes?

Several Servants in Fate/Grand Order require Meteor Horseshoes to ascend and strengthen their abilities. Some of these Servants include:

  • Altria Pendragon (Lancer Alter)
  • Altria Pendragon (Rider Alter)
  • Gilgamesh (Caster)
  • Ivan the Terrible (Rider)
  • Iskandar (Rider)
  • Sakamoto Ryouma (Rider)

If you have any of these Servants on your team, it is important to make sure that you have enough Meteor Horseshoes to upgrade them.

Tips for Farming Meteor Horseshoes

If you want to farm for Meteor Horseshoes in Fate/Grand Order, there are a few tips that you should keep in mind:

  • Focus on completing quests and missions that have a high chance of dropping Meteor Horseshoes.
  • Use Servants that have a higher drop rate for Meteor Horseshoes.
  • Equip your Servants with Craft Essences that increase the drop rate of Meteor Horseshoes.
  • Consider using a team composition that focuses on generating critical stars, as this can increase your chances of getting drops.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting Meteor Horseshoes and upgrading your Servants in Fate/Grand Order.


Meteor Horseshoes are an important resource in Fate/Grand Order that are used to upgrade some of the most powerful Servants in the game. By farming for them, exchanging other resources for them, or receiving them as rewards, you can ensure that your team is as strong as possible. Keep these tips in mind when farming for Meteor Horseshoes to maximize your chances of success.

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