Fate Grand Order Evil Bone: How to Obtain and Use It


Fate Grand Order is a popular mobile game that features various characters and items that players can collect and use in their quests. One of the essential items that players need to collect is the Evil Bone. In this article, we will discuss what the Evil Bone is, how to obtain it, and how to use it effectively.

What is an Evil Bone?

The Evil Bone is a rare item that is required to ascend certain Servants in Fate Grand Order. Servants are characters that players can summon and use in their battles. Ascension is a process that increases the level cap of a Servant, making them stronger and more powerful. However, ascending a Servant requires specific items, and the Evil Bone is one of them.

How to Obtain an Evil Bone

There are several ways to obtain an Evil Bone in Fate Grand Order. The most common method is by farming it in specific quests. The drop rate for an Evil Bone is relatively low, but players can increase their chances of obtaining it by using a Servant with a skill that boosts the drop rate of bones.

Players can also obtain an Evil Bone by completing certain events or exchanging it for other items in the game's shop. However, these methods are relatively rare and require players to be patient and persistent.

How to Use an Evil Bone

Once players have obtained an Evil Bone, they can use it to ascend their Servants. Ascension requires a specific number of items, and the Evil Bone is one of them. To ascend a Servant, players need to go to the Enhance Tab in the game's menu and select the Servant they want to ascend. Then, they need to select the Ascension option and choose the required items, including the Evil Bone.

It is essential to note that ascending a Servant is not a one-time process. Players need to ascend their Servants multiple times to reach the maximum level cap, and each ascension requires a different set of items, including the Evil Bone.

Tips for Obtaining and Using Evil Bones

Obtaining and using Evil Bones can be challenging, but there are several tips that players can follow to make the process easier:

  • Focus on farming quests that have a higher drop rate for Evil Bones.
  • Use a Servant with a skill that boosts the drop rate of bones.
  • Participate in events that offer Evil Bones as rewards.
  • Exchange other items for Evil Bones in the game's shop.
  • Save Evil Bones for Servants that you use frequently or are your favorites.


The Evil Bone is a rare but essential item in Fate Grand Order. Obtaining and using it effectively can make a significant difference in a player's gameplay experience. By following the tips we have provided, players can increase their chances of obtaining Evil Bones and make the most out of their Servants' ascension.

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