Edge of the Empire Skills

Edge of the Empire is a role-playing game set in the Star Wars universe. The game has a unique system for character creation and advancement, which allows players to build their characters' skills and abilities over time.

What are Edge of the Empire Skills?

Edge of the Empire skills are the abilities that characters can use to overcome challenges and obstacles in the game. These skills cover a wide range of activities, from combat and piloting to negotiation and deception.

There are six main categories of Edge of the Empire skills:

  • Combat
  • Piloting
  • Mechanical
  • Social
  • Knowledge
  • Force

Each category has several specific skills that fall under it. For example, the Combat category includes skills like Brawl, Ranged (Light), and Lightsaber.

How do Edge of the Empire Skills work?

Edge of the Empire uses a dice system to determine the outcome of a character's actions. When a player wants to use a skill, they roll a pool of dice based on their character's attributes and skill level.

The dice pool consists of several types of dice, including:

  • Ability dice
  • Proficiency dice
  • Difficulty dice
  • Challenge dice
  • Setback dice
  • Boost dice

The outcome of the roll is determined by comparing the number of successes and failures on the dice. The player can then use those successes to accomplish their goal, while failures can lead to complications and setbacks.

How can players improve their Edge of the Empire Skills?

Players can improve their Edge of the Empire skills by spending experience points. Experience points can be earned through successful missions and other in-game activities.

When a player spends experience points, they can increase the rank of one of their skills. Each skill has five ranks, and as a player increases the rank of a skill, they become more proficient in that area.

Players can also gain new skills by purchasing them with experience points. However, some skills may require certain prerequisites before they can be learned.

What are some examples of Edge of the Empire Skills?

Here are some examples of Edge of the Empire skills and what they are used for:


Brawl is a Combat skill that is used for close-quarters fighting. Characters with a high Brawl skill can use their fists or other improvised weapons to take down opponents.

Ranged (Heavy)

Ranged (Heavy) is a Combat skill that is used for long-range attacks. Characters with a high Ranged (Heavy) skill can use weapons like blaster rifles and rocket launchers to take out enemies from a distance.

Piloting (Planetary)

Piloting (Planetary) is a Piloting skill that is used for flying vehicles on planets. Characters with a high Piloting (Planetary) skill can navigate through rough terrain and avoid obstacles while piloting speeders and other vehicles.


Charm is a Social skill that is used for persuasion and seduction. Characters with a high Charm skill can convince others to do what they want, whether it's convincing a guard to let them into a restricted area or seducing an informant for information.

Knowledge (Outer Rim)

Knowledge (Outer Rim) is a Knowledge skill that is used for understanding the cultures and politics of the Outer Rim territories. Characters with a high Knowledge (Outer Rim) skill can navigate the underworld and gain insight into the criminal underworld.

Force (Move)

Force (Move) is a Force skill that is used for manipulating objects with the Force. Characters with a high Force (Move) skill can lift and move objects with their mind, whether it's throwing a boulder at an enemy or pulling a lightsaber out of an opponent's hand.


Edge of the Empire skills are an essential part of the game, allowing players to overcome challenges and become more powerful over time. By spending experience points and improving their skills, players can create unique and capable characters that can take on the dangers of the Star Wars universe.

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